Its been an exciting year for Virtual Reality. From basically no consumer options at all, suddenlywe're spoiled for choice. Some VR headsets have already been released, others are imminent, but what is certain is that virtual reality is in fact now a reality reality (if you'll pardon the expression), with Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear, Playstation VR, the HTC Vive as well as Microsoft's Hololens amongst the largest contenders for king of VR.

Reviews have generally been positive, although its likely that it will take a couple of generations for the ecosystem to develop and the full potential of VR to become apparent to the mass market.

Right now, VR is still a novelty to most people with not many serious applications to entice mass adoption. Plenty of smart people are working on this problem though, and we'll be keeping close tabs on this interesting area, especially since we hope to be bringing our clients some ultra cool virtual reality products soon as well.

The Tilt Brush by Google looks to be one of the first practical applications out for VR, allowing users to literally paint in 3D. It looks really cool, and words alone don't do it justice. So here's a video.

Fast forward that concept a little and it's not hard to imagine future architects or industrial designers creating the next Lamborghini or Twin Towers design in full 3D.

Sadly for people like me who can't draw, adding an extra dimension probably won't help all that much. After all, an ugly drawing in 2D is still ugly in 3D (perhaps worse!).

Technology. Always amazing!

For anyone interested, the TIlt Brush is available on Steam, but currently only for the HTC Vive.